Looking back on 2020, I’m so confused about what we were supposed to do this last year:
Were we supposed to get into shape or just eat whatever we wanted?
Were we supposed to write that novel or just binge-watch Netflix?
Were we supposed to find a new hobby?
Go for walks with our loved ones?
Create a fun atmosphere for our family?
Or just say screw it and do whatever we wanted?
Was I supposed to thrive or survive this past year?
Because the truth is I ended up doing both.
There were many days that I did thrive, but there were also a number of days that I just survived.
Like everything else in life, this last year was about balance.
I gained some weight - but I didn’t let it get out of hand.
I did some organizing of my house - but it’s still a mess.
I started a blog and did some writing - but I also wasted too much time on the internet.
In the end - it wasn’t a gain or a loss.
It pretty much broke even.
And that’s okay.
I’ll take it.
Amy Young
Confessions of a GenX Mom