Years ago when Mr. Rogers was asked about how to talk to kids about scary events, he said “Look for the helpers.”
Good advice for kids, but we are adults. It’s not good enough for us to look for the helpers, we need to BE the helpers.
This past year has been fraught with division. You can’t go on social media without seeing arguments about politics, social justice, and even the pandemic. It’s been difficult to maintain hope that we can ever come together on anything.
But one thing I have learned is that nothing brings people together quicker than a catastrophe.
Right now in Texas - we have a catastrophe.
Unprecedented amounts of snow and freezing temperatures have blanketed the state, and our infrastructure was not ready.
Millions of people have lost power. Imagine being without power with temperatures lower than 10° in a typically warm place. Most people in my area don’t even own a winter coat! Some people are lucky and have a fireplace, but not everyone.
The roads are too icy for anyone except for those with 4WD to drive on, which means millions of people are stuck. With no power, no heat, and possibly no food.
Grocery stores are closed or have limited items.
Restaurants are closed.
If you didn’t stock up last week, you’re out of luck.
It’s not a good situation at all.
Look for the Helpers.
In scary situations, look for the helpers.
The past few days my social media feed has been filled, not with arguments, but with people offering help. Those of us lucky enough to have power have been offering others to come and stay. Those who are lucky enough to have 4WD vehicles have been offering to give rides or go pick up someone who needs help.
I’ve seen neighbors offer food and shelter to anyone who needs it. Even Kevin (our neighborhood peacock) has been taken care of - a kind neighbor brought him into their heated garage and is making sure he has food and water.
Be the Helpers.
We are lucky enough to still have power so we have opened our home to my daughter’s best friend’s family who lost theirs. We’ve been social distancing through this pandemic, but right now - this takes precedence! We’ve offered others our assistance as well.
Sometimes help doesn't have to be life-saving. Our daughter saw the neighbor kids trying to make sleds out of cardboard so she dug through our attic to find our old sleds and offered them to the kids. Their faces lit up like it was Christmas! She was the helper that made something good out of something bad.
Everyone is pulling together to make sure we all get through this!
Imagine if we did this every day.
Imagine if we could make sure everyone has what they need to survive.
Imagine if we didn’t wait for an emergency to bring us together.
I realize we are the ones lucky enough to be in a position to help.
That won’t always be the case, there will come a time that we will be the ones in need.
But for now - we will choose to be the helpers.
Amy Young
Confessions of a GenX Mom