To my daughter's best friend:
Thank you for always being there for my daughter.
Thank you for being the one she talks to when she feels she can't talk to me.
Thank you for being the kind of friend she feels safe with.
Thank you for laughing with her...and sometimes at her.
Thank you for lifting her up and keeping her grounded at the same time.
Thank you for being able to be silly or serious with her, depending on the situation.
Thank you for making my daughter laugh, and never making her cry.
Thank you for always cheering for her, even when you are competeing against each other.
Thank you for encouraging her to step out of her comfort zone.
Thank you for your anger when someone is cruel to her.
Thank you for helping heal her heart when it was broken.
Thank you for accepting my daughter for who she is.
Thank you for doing all the things that I can't do, no matter how much I want to.
Thank you for being my bonus daughter.
Thank you for being my daughter's best friend!
Amy Young