This is no doubt a difficult time for many. It's a time for listening and learning. A time for speaking out and educating. It's a time for fighting for a better world. For everyone.
It's not the time to ignore what's going on. We can't bury our heads in the sand and hope it all goes away, because the problems we are facing today are not going to go away. It's a fight we will continue for months, years, decades. Generation after generation.
It's for this very reason that is is vital that we allow ourselves to take a break. For many, myself included, it feels like we are looking the other way if we allow ourselves to disengage for a while. I can't help but feel guilty if I turn off the news, if I turn away from social media, if I bury myself in some sort of distraction. I feel a need to constantly be aware.
The problem with this is that it leads to burnout. We are in this for the long haul. We need to keep our strength up. It's okay to take a break. If you need to go off social media for a day or two - that's okay. Take the time you need. Regroup. Refresh. Then get back in the fight when you are ready.
For myself, nature reinvigorates me like nothing else. If you have access to a trail or garden, I suggest you take advantage of that. Go outside. Take a deep breath. Stop and smell the roses. See the good around you. Then get back in there. We need you. The world needs you.
"Where flowers bloom, so does hope."
Lady Bird Johnson
